Refund Policy

With Healthone healthcare you can pay it through many types of online payment mode and other methods. Having said this, we do not entertain an appeal for a refund on a payment as our care provisions are services. Our services are mostly impromptu and we offer them as ‘quick response’ to customers and so our offerings are mostly impromptu services. While some refund policies may apply in very rare cases, there are some policies which differ from case to case. These refunds are carried only on individual cases and facts. 

This is the refund policy followed by Healthone Health care. 

  • After making a single request for refund, you can’t do so for the same order for another request for refund.
  • To claim your refund you should forward payment details. If your request meets the above mentioned criteria you would only be able to initiate the process of refund and scrutinize the above mentioned documents. 
  • A refund has no interest amount associated with it regardless of whether the refund is generated in the customer’s actual payment or generated on the customer a day later.
  • Customers who continually ask for a return refund (for no apparent reason), will be restricted from seeing details within our website. Additionally, their registration will be cancelled.


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